Monday, July 27, 2009

My motivation

A few days ago, I went taking an ikebana lesson and made my best work that I have ever done, but at the same time, I made a mistake - I forgot bringing my degital camera!!! Shoot!

I have never taken in-focus photos with my mobile phone's camera, but I had no choice at the time - I put all of my hope into my mobile phone's camera.


Photos taken by my mobile phone were all out-of-focus in spite of my expectation. I think resolution of my mobile phone's camera is not so bad, but I always fail to take photos successfully. Maybe I am too unfamiliar with cameras. I want technique for taking good photos by any camera!

Instead of the photos, I upload my favorite works in some exhibitions.

I like various reds in the above photo, and a litte white and blue is a good color balance.
This above photo is gorgeous, isn't it? Many colors are used, but white is used for the biggest flowers, so the work is gorgeous but, I get the impression of coolness. Also, I like the blue vase - it's a good combination with flowers.

In the third photo, I like the upward forms like fans and the simmetry of main and sub works. I like the transparent, good color and good shape vases.
Fovorite works which someone else made always improve my motivation.

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